You don't need to spend lots on these drinks, why not spend a little money on getting yourself a good quality centrifugal juicer. If you haven't juiced before, you will find it very satisfying watching your juicer do its work! One pint of fresh living carrot juice made in your home can cost you as little as 40p and taste absolutely delicious. Even a high end centrifugal juicer will easily pay for itself after being regularly used for a couple of months.
Of all the juice extractor's available centrifugal juicers are the most common. But not all of these perform as well as one would hope. Some manufacturers will put their brand name to models which are cheap because they are mass produced in China. So they may look good, but certainly don't perform that well. Therefore you should do some research before you actually spend money on betting your first centrifugal juicer or it may well end up not being used and just gathering dust in some kitchen cupboard instead.
Many of us use the internet to do research in to certain items but we do so at our own peril. When it comes to what is said on websites just about anything goes, and if there is any financial gain to be had for a business when trying to sell something, they often do say just about anything. This can mean that the less scrupulous suppliers of more expensive juicers will make claims that are aimed at damaging the reputation of the centrifugal juicer. They claim that these juicers don't provide you with healthy drinks and can "destroy and kill enzymes" in the juice because they are "damaged by heat". But this is simply not the case.
There is plenty of scientific evidence to show that juice made using centrifugal juicers have high levels of enzymes and other nutrients in them, so use such research as a source for when determining what type to purchase. In a study of enzyme activity in carrot juice made using several types of juicers carried out by Michael Donaldson PhD in the US found that juice made using a reasonably priced centrifugal juicer produced enzyme Peroxidase activity at more than 90% than that found in juice made with more expensively priced machines. So this helps to clearly demonstrate that the myth of centrifugal juicers "kill enzymes" as being false.
The Independent Newspaper is one publication who you can trust when it comes to deciding which juicer to select. They believe that one of the best juicers to start juicing with is the L'Equip 110.5 Pulp Ejector Juicer or the other name which is much easier to remember is the L'Equip Mini. Each year they have tested various juicers and for the past two years this particular centrifugal juicer has gained the title of "Best Buy" from them.
Recently L'Equip launched a larger version of this particular machine called the L'Equip XL. The "XL" in its name refers to the size of the feed chute on the machine, which unlike on the smaller model can accept a whole apple. Also the motor inside the new model is much more powerful so it can very quickly make fresh healthy juice drink for you each morning. Another thing to note about L'Equip which is an American health brand is that it is working on ways to protect the environment. To help alleviate the impact their manufacturing processes have on the environment for each model sold a tree will be planted by them.
Centrifugal juicers provide you with an easy and quick way of getting fresh juice at home each day. Choose a model that other juice enthusiasts have tried as you will then be assured of getting one that is easy to clean after using it. Also make sure you choose one that has a separate container where the pulp of the fruit can be ejected into as this means you won't need to stop in order to dismantle and empty the juicer halfway through making a batch of juice for yourself.
Expect to pay about £80 or more for a really user friendly juicer, which in a matter of weeks or months will have paid for itself if you are using it to make juice on a daily basis. What are you waiting for? Why not get juicing at home now?